548 Chapter6
Programming Fundamentals
Programming in C Using the VTL
Programming Fundamentals
They are set by doing the following:
1. Select Tools | Options from the menu.
2. Click on the Directories button to set the include file path.
3. Select Include Files from the Show Directories For list
4. Click on the Add button and type in the following:
5. Select Library Files from the Show Directories For list
6. Click on the Add button and type in the following:
For Borland C++ version 4.0 compilers:
• You may wish to add the include file and library file search paths.
They are set under the Options | Project menu selection. Double
click on Directories from the Topics list box and add the following:
16-bit Applications
The following is a summary of important compiler-specific
considerations for the Windows compiler.
For Microsoft Visual C++ version 1.5:
• To set the memory model, do the following:
1. Select Options | Project.
2. Click on the Compiler button, then select Memory Model from
the Category list.
3. Click on the Model list arrow to display the model options, and
select Large.
4. Click on OK to close the Compiler dialog box.
• You may wish to add the include file and library file search paths.
They are set under the Options | Directories menu selection:
Otherwise, the library and include files should be explicitly specified
in the project file.