Chapter 2 111
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:DISPlay OFF|ON|0|1
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:DISPlay? queries the current limit line.
Example: :CALC:LLIN2:DISP OFF turns off the display of the limit lines.
:CALC:LLIN1:DISP? tells you whether the limit lines are being displayed. Limit Test
Turns the testing of the limit line
On or Off. If the trace is at or within the bounds of the set
limit or margin, PASS LIMIT# or PASS MARGIN# is displayed in green in the upper-left
corner of the measurement area where # is the number of the selected limit line.
Only positive margins are allowed for lower limits and only negative margins are allowed
for upper limits. If the trace is out of the limit or margin boundaries, FAIL LIMIT# or FAIL
MARGIN# is displayed in red. The results for Limit 2 are displayed below those for Limit 1.
Limit or Margin must be turned on for Test to be turned on.
NOTE The color of your screen annotation is dependent on your analyzer settings
and may not correspond to the colors described above.
Key Path:
Display, Limits, Limit 1
, Limits, Limit 2
Couplings: If either of the limits or margins are turned off, the test cannot be turned
on. That is, if both Limit and Margin are set to Off, then the test is turned off
State Saved: Not saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Default: Off (when a limit line is created)
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00
Remote Command:
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:STATe OFF|ON|0|1 to turn limit lines on or off.
Example: :CALC:LLIN:STATE 1 sets limit line 1 test on.
:CALC:LLIN:STATE? responds with the limit line test status.