158 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
2.5.9 Query Trace Data (Remote Command Only)
This command queries trace data from the specified trace. The data format is set by the
command :FORMat [:TRACe][:DATA].WhenASCIIformatisselected,thedatais
comma-separated ASCII values. Real or Integer format uses a definite length block of data.
The number of trace points returned is set by [:SENSE]:SWE:POIN (from 101 to 8192).
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: Commands :MMEM:STOR:TRAC and :MMEM:LOAD:TRAC are used
to transfer trace data to, or from, the internal hard drive or floppy drive of
the instrument.
The query returns the current values of the designated trace. The data is
terminated with <NL><END> (for GPIB that is newline, or linefeed,
followed by EOI set true; for RS-232 this is newline only.)
2.5.10 Move Data to a File (Remote Command Only)
This command loads a block of data in the format <definite_length_block> into the
instrument memory location <‘file_name’>. The query form of the command returns the
contents of the file identified by <‘file_name’>, in the format of a definite length block of
data. The query can be used for copying files out of the analyzer over the remote bus.
A definite length block of data starts with an ASCII header that begins with # and
indicates how many additional data points are following in the block. Suppose the header
is #512320.
• The first digit in the header (5) tells you how many additional digits/bytes there are in
the header.
• The 12320 means 12,320 data bytes follow the header.
• Divide this number of bytes by your selected data format bytes/point, either 8 (for real
64), or 4 (for real 32). In this example, if you are using real 64 then there are 1540
points in the block.
Remote Command:
:MMEMory:DATA <‘file_name’>,<definite_length_block>
:MMEMory:DATA? <‘file_name’>
Example: MMEM:DATA ‘C:\DEST.TXT’,’#14abcd’ Loads the data “abcd” into
MMEM:DATA? ‘C:\SCREN001.GIF’ Initiates a transfer of data from file