364 Chapter5
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Adjacent Channel Power—ACP)
One-Button Measurement Functions
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:ACPower:FILTer[:RRC][:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Example: ACP:FILT 1
5.6.12 Filter Alpha
Press Filter to input the alpha value for the RRC Filter. This parameter is available when
3GPP W-CDMA, NADC,orTETRA has been selected as the Radio Std. from the Mode Setup
Key Path:
Meas Setup
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: 0.22 when W-CDMA is selected, 0.35 when NADC or TETRA is selected,
otherwise Off.
Knob Increment: 0.01
Step Key
Increment: 0.1
Range: 0.01 to 1.0
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:ACPower:FILTer[:RRC]:ALPHA <number>
Example: ACP:FILT:ALPH 0.22
5.6.13 Noise Correction
Pressing Noise Correction turns noise correction on or off.WhenyousetNoise Corr to On,a
calibration of the noise floor is performed and used to correct for analyzer noise floor
contribution to measurement levels, increasing dynamic range.
Noise Correction is unavailable if signal tracking is on, or when the radio standard is set to
NADC or PDC when the measurement method is set to RBW.
Key Path:
Meas Setup,
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Factory Preset: Off