Chapter 2 129
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
CSV: A file that contains trace data in comma-separated values format (CSV,
standard PC spreadsheet format), to be read into a spreadsheet for analysis. Most
spreadsheet programs support CSV format. They cannot be loaded back into the
• Limits - A file that contains a copy of the analyzer limit sets at the time the file is
saved. Limits provide data sets to determine whether a trace has exceeded preset
specifications. Limit sets can hold up to 200 points and can only be saved individually.
Refer to the
File, Save, Source key description, page 142.WhenyouloadaLimits file into
the analyzer, you restore all of the limit sets that were in the instrument at the time of
the save.
NOTE When loading Limits files, be sure you have selected the appropriate X Axis
Units: frequency or time (Display, Limits, Properties, XAxisUnits). If you are in
time X-Axis Units, and you load frequency limits, all current limit line
data will be erased and the analyzer will switch to frequency units. The
reverse of the this situation also holds true.
• Screen - A file that contains an exact representation of the analyzer display at the time
it was saved. You cannot extract data from Screen filesasyoucanwithTrace files, but
you can print them or include them in other documents; Screen files look exactly as the
display looked when the file was saved. They cannot be loaded into the analyzer. There
are four formats for screen files,
Bitmap, Metafile, Reverse Bitmap,andReverse Metafile.
Bitmap: A file that contains an exact bit representation of the screen. Stored in
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) format.
Metafile: A file that contains information about the objects on the screen. Stored in
Windows Metafile Format (WMF) format, a format that can be read with Microsoft
Word and Microsoft Excel, among others.
Reverse Bitmap: Same as
Bitmap, but the black display backgrounds are changed to
white and the yellow traces are turned to green to preserve printer black ink.
Reverse Metafile: Same as
Metafile, but the black display backgrounds are changed
to white and the yellow traces are turned to green to preserve printer black ink.
• Corrections - A file that contains a copy of the analyzer correction tables at the time
the file is saved (CBL, ANT, OTH, AMP). Corrections provide a way to adjust the trace
display for preset gain factors (such as for cable loss). A correction set can hold up to 200
points. Pressing
Corrections activates the Source key. Refer to the File, Save, Source key
description, page 142.WhenyouloadaCorrections file into the analyzer, you restore all
of the corrections values that were in the instrument at the time of the save.
• Measurement Results- A file that contains a copy of the analyzer measurement data
that was current at the time the file is saved. Measurement results files are saved
in.CSV format (for importing into spreadsheets). When you load a
Measurement Results
file into the analyzer, you restore all of the measurement data that was in the
instrument at the time of the save.