56 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
Example: POW:MW:PADJ 100
2.0.7 Y Axis Units
Displays the menu keys that enable you to change the vertical (Y) axis amplitude units.
The analyzer retains the entered
YAxisUnitsseparately for both Log and Lin amplitude
scale types. For example, if Scale Type has been set to Log,andyousetYAxisUnitsto dBm,
pressing Scale Type (Log) sets the YAxisUnitsto dBm.IfScale Type has been set to Lin and
you set YAxisUnitsto Volts, pressing Scale Type (Lin) sets the YAxisUnitsto Volts. Pressing
Scale Type (Log) again sets the Y Axis units back to dBm.
This key is unavailable (greyed out) when the FM Demod View is on.
YAxisUnits, in conjunction with the Scale Type, affect how the data is read off the display,
markers, and over the remote interface. When using the remote interface no units are
returned, so you must know what the Y-Axis units are to interpret the results:
Key Path:
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State
Factory Preset: For
Scale Type (Log) =dBm
Scale Type (Lin) =Volts
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: The settings of Y Axis Units and Scale Type, affect how the
data is read over the remote interface. When using the remote interface no
units are returned, so you must know what the Y-Axis units are to
interpret the results:
Scale/Div, 1 dB
Ref Level, 10 dBm
This sets the top line to 10 dBm with each vertical division representing 1
dB. Thus, if a point on trace 1 is on the fifth graticule line from the top, it
represents 5 dBm and will read out remotely as 5.
Y Axis Units, Volts
Ref Level, 100 mV (10 mV/div)