Chapter 5 431
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Setup (Multi-Carrier Power—MCP)
One-Button Measurement Functions Carriers
Carriers to specify the number of carriers to be measured.
Key Path:
Meas Setup, Carrier Setup
Factory Preset: 4
Step Key
Increment: 1
Range: 2 to 12
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00.
Remote Command:
Example: MCP:CARR:COUN 10
MCP:CARR:COUN? Ref Carrier
Ref Carrier (Man) to specify the carrier (identified by a numeric position) from which
all relative power measurements will be made. When Ref Carrier is set to Auto,theanalyzer
selects the carrier with the highest power as the reference.
Key Path:
Meas Setup, Carrier Setup
Key Notes: The carrier must have power present in order to be assigned as a reference
carrier frequency. If you change the reference carrier’s power present value
from “yes” to “no”, the next carrier to the left (or to the right, if there are
none to the left) will be assigned as the reference carrier. If it currently has
power present set to No, this will change to Yes. This is also true when
there are only two carriers with a “yes” value. Refer to the
“Carrier Pwr
key description for more information on setting the carrier power
present value.
Factory Preset: Auto
Range: Auto/Man
History: Added with firmware revision A.03.00.
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:MCPower:RCARrier:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1