Chapter 4 277
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z License Key
installed. The license key number is a hexadecimal number that will require entry of both
letters and numbers. Use the front-panel numeric keyboard to enter numerical values. You
will see your entry in the active function area. A license key is a 12-character hexadecimal
string given with the option. The license key is unique to a specific option installed and
instrument host ID. To terminate the entry, press
Enter or Return. An external keyboard may
also be used for this entry. The license key number will appear on the second line of the
License Key menu key.
Key Path:
System, Licensing
Couplings: None
State Saved: Not saved in instrument state.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: None
Factory Preset: Clears the current value.
Remote Command:
:SYSTem:LKEY <“option”>, <“license key”>
:SYSTem:LKEY? <“option”>
Remote Command Notes: The query returns a string that contains the license key for a
specified application or option that is already installed in the instrument.
The license key will also be returned if the application is not currently in
memory, but had been installed at some previous time. The license key is
unique to a specific option, host ID and serial number. Host ID can be
returned by :SYSTem:HID?.
Example: SYST:LKEY “B78”, “B62A35B37679”
The query would return “B62A35B37679”
If the instrument does not have a license key for that option, the query
would return ““. Activate License
Activates the specified option. When a valid option key number and license key number
have been entered, press
Activate. If your entry was correct, the option will be enabled and
the message: Option activated will appear in the status line of your display. The option
number and license key number will also be cleared from the
License Key and Option key.
If your entry was incorrect, the error message: License key invalid will appear in the
status line of your display. The option number and license key number can be edited until