68 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
2.0.11 Ext Amp Gain
Compensates for external gain/loss. The function is similar to the Ref Lvl Offset function,
however the value is considered, along with the maximum mixer level setting, to
determine the attenuation required (10 dB of Attenuation is added for every 10 dB of
External Amp Gain). The gain is subtracted from the amplitude readout so that the
displayed signal level represents the signal level at the input of the external device.
Gains may only be entered with the numeric keypad or programming commands, not the
knob or step keys.
Key Path:
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State, and survives Preset and power cycle
Default: 0 dB
NOTE Ext Amp Gain is not affected by Factory Preset or power cycle. It can be reset
to the factory default by pressing
System, Restore Sys
Range: –81.90 dB to 81.90 dB
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:CORRection:OFFSet[:MAGNitude] <relative_power> (in dB)
Example: CORR:OFFS:MAGN 7.3 DB
Sets the Ext Amp Gain to 7.3 dB. The only valid suffix is dB. If no suffix is
sent, dB is assumed.
2.0.12 Atten Step
Permits the selection of 2 dB (for PSA), 5 dB (for ESA), or 10 dB (for PSA/ESA) step
resolution for input attenuation.
Key Path:
Saved State: Saved in instrument state
Factory Preset: 2 dB, for PSA; 5 dB, for ESA
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:ATTenuation:STEP[:INCRement] <integer> (in dB)
Example: POW:ATT:STEP 10