244 Chapter4
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
4.7.4 Points
Sets the number of points per sweep, from 101 to 8192 in non-zero span and 2 to 8192 in
zero span. Resolution of setting the sweep time will depend on the number of points
selected. If Factory Preset is selected, or the analyzer power is cycled, the number of points
per sweep will default to 601. The current value of points is displayed parenthetically, next
to the sweep time in the lower-right corner of the display (refer to “Display Annotation” in
your Getting Started guide).
Changing the number of points has several effects on the analyzer. Since markers are read
at the point location, the marker reading may change. All trace data for the active trace is
cleared. If sweep is set to
Cont (press Sweep, Sweep), a new sweep begins immediately. If
average is set to
On (press BW/Avg, Average), the averaging starts over with a count of 0. If
limit lines are set to On (press Display, Limits, Modify, Limit 1 or 2), the limit lines are updated.
NOTE By selecting a number of sweep points greater than 601, you are optimizing
frequency resolution and accuracy while accepting a reduced measurement
speed. In addition to sweep points, the span, resolution bandwidth, video
bandwidth, average detection and center frequency will also affect
measurement speed.
This function is coupled with the span setting. Increasing the span can
change the number of sweep points. In order to maintain accurate
measurements, the number of sweep points is increased if required to keep
the width of each sweep point at most 150 MHz.
When zone span is set to
On (press Span, Zone. Zone), each window has its own
value for points.
Key Path:
Couplings: Affected by: log sweep, segmented sweep
Affects the following functions: whenever the number of sweep points
All trace data is erased
Any traces in view mode will go to blank mode
Sweep time is re-quantized
Any limit lines that are on will be updated
State Saved: Saved in instrument state
Factory Preset: 601
Range: 101 to 8192, 2 to 8192 in zero span