Chapter 4 259
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Instrument Functions: P - Z
Initiates an alignment on the IF assembly.
Key Path:
System, Alignments, Align Subsys
Annotation: Will display a series of pop-up message boxes indicating alignment
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: Status questionable calibration Bit 4 will be set if
Align RF fails.
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: The query performs the alignment and returns a zero if the
alignment is successful.
Example: CAL:IF? Align ADC
Initiates an alignment on the ADC circuitry.
Key Path:
System, Alignments, Align Subsys
Annotation: Message boxes indicating alignment of ADC progress.
SCPI Status Bits/
OPC Dependencies: Status questionable calibration Bit 6 will be set if
Align ADC fails.
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: The query performs the alignment and returns a zero if the
alignment is successful.
Example: CAL:ADC? Align Current IF Flatness
Initiates an alignment of the current IF flatness, for the purpose of improving absolute
amplitude within FFT Sweeps and improving group delay in some digital demodulation
Key Path:
System, Alignments, Align Subsys
Annotation: Will display a series of pop-up message boxes explaining what is being