Chapter 5 331
One-Button Measurement Functions
Meas Control
One-Button Measurement Functions
multiple data acquisitions, with multiple trigger events, for one full trigger cycle. The
instrument must have external triggering selected, or the command will be ignored. Use
the TRIGer[:SEQuence]:SOURce EXT command to select the external trigger.
History: Added in revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: See also the *TRG command and the TRIGger subsystem.
Use the [:SENSe]:<meas>:TRIGger:SOURce command to select the
desired trigger. The instrument must be in the single measurement mode.
If :INITiate:CONTinuous is ON then the command is ignored.
Use :FETCh? to transfer a measurement result from memory to the output
buffer. Refer to individual commands in the MEASure subsystem for more
Example: INIT:IMM
5.2.5 Abort the Sweep or Measurement (Remote Command Only)
Stops any sweep or measurement in progress and resets the sweep or trigger system. A
measurement refers to any of the measurements found in the
MEASURE menu. If the trigger
conditions are met, another sweep is initiated immediately.
If :INITiate:CONTinuous is off (single measure), then :INITiate:IMMediate will
start a new single measurement.
If :INITiate:CONTinuous is on (continuous measure), a new continuous measurement
begins immediately.
The INITiate and/or TRIGger subsystems contain additional related commands.
History: Added in revision A.02.00
Remote Command:
Remote Command Notes: In the continuous measurement mode, the
Restart key is
equivalent to ABORt.
Example: ABOR