62 Chapter2
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Correction
Turns the amplitude correction function on or off for the specific set of correction data. The
corrections state must be set to
On for the correction to be applied.
NOTE Antenna, Cable,andOther correction factors are generally entered as positive
values. This indicates a loss in the external device. User correction factors are
typically entered as negative values which indicate a gain in the external
Key Path:
AMPLITUDE / Y Scale, More, Corrections, Antenna (Cable, Other,orUser)
State Saved: Saved in Instrument State
Factory Preset: No
Remote Command:
[:SENSe]:CORRection:CSET[1]|2|3|4[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Remote Command Notes: [:SENSe]:CORRection:CSET:ALL[:STATe] must be set to on
for this command to function.
CSET number equivalents to front-panel access definitions are as follows:
CSET or CSET1 is Antenna
CSET2 is Cable
CSET3 is Other
CSET4 is User
Example: CORR:CSET2 ON
Accesses menu keys that allow you to create and edit an amplitude-correction factor set. It
puts the analyzer into a split-screen mode where the correction data is displayed in a table
under the trace data. Pressing
ESC while in this menu will exit the menu and remove the
table from the screen. New points will be applied only after the editor is closed.
Key Path:
AMPLITUDE / Y Scale, More, Corrections, Antenna (Cable, Other,orUser)
Remote Command:
<freq>,<rel_ampl>{,<freq>,<rel_ampl>} Creates an amplitude-correction factor set
<freq>,<rel_ampl>{,<freq>,<rel_ampl>} Adds the points with the specified values to
the current amplitude correction data, allowing you to merge correction data. If too much