Chapter 2 151
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L Dir Up
Moves up one subdirectory level within a directory. If your position is in the top level of the
drive already, it moves up to the drive level and the current drive is highlighted (A: or C:).
Key Path: File, Delete Dir Select
Displays the highlighted directory.
See “Dir Select” on page 135 for more information.
Key Path:
File, Delete
2.5.5 Copy
Displays the functions to copy instrument data files in the selected directory to the
directory and file name that you choose. This key also displays a catalog of the files that
are currently saved in the selected directory and data-entry fields for the following: file
name, type, and path location.
Key Path:
File Copy Now
Executes the copy function, coping data files from one directory to another on one or more
mass storage devices, using the currently displayed file settings. While the file is being
copied, the “Copying file”followedby“Reading directory” popup message is displayed.
After a successful copy, the green text message “xxxxxx file copied” (where xxxxxx is
the file name) appears in the status line. If a copy is being done for a file that already
exists in the “To” directory, the text message “File already exists”appearsinthe
status line.
Key Path:
File, Copy
Remote Command:
:MMEMory:COPY <‘file_name1’>,<‘file_name2’>
Remote Command Notes: The file names must include the complete file paths. Lowercase
characters are read as uppercase.
Example: :MMEM:COPY ‘C:\oldname.sta’,’A:\newname.sta’ copies