Chapter 2 147
Instrument Functions: A - L
Instrument Functions: A - L
Key Path: File, Load, Destination
State Saved: Not saved in Instrument State.
Factory Preset: Not affected by
Preset. Power up and Restore Sys Defaults sets Trace 1. Trace 2
Selects trace 2 for the trace data to be loaded into.
Key Path:
File, Load, Destination
State Saved: Not saved in Instrument State.
Factory Preset: Not affected by
Preset. Power up and Restore Sys Defaults sets Trace 1. Trace 3
Selects trace 3 for the trace data to be loaded into.
Key Path:
File, Load, Destination
State Saved: Not saved in Instrument State.
Factory Preset: Not affected by
Preset. Power up and Restore Sys Defaults sets Trace 1. Dir Up
Moves up one subdirectory level within a directory. If your position is in the top level of the
drive already, it moves up to the drive level and the current drive is highlighted (A: or C:).
Key Path:
File, Load
State Saved: Not saved in Instrument State.
Factory Preset: Trace file format, is All Traces at power on. Dir Select
Displays the highlighted directory.
See “Dir Select” on page 135 for more information.
Key Path:
File, Load
State Saved: Not saved in Instrument State.
Factory Preset: Trace file format, is All Traces at power on.
2.5.4 Delete
Displays the Delete menu keys that enable you to delete instrument data files from the
selected directory. The catalog list box is active and can be used for selecting file
information for the data-entry fields. Only files that match the current type are shown.