5. Select the connected projector from [Select Projector(s) to Use (Up to 4 devices):].
If you want to manually enter the projector IP address, select [Connect by Manual Entry], and enter
the IP address.
6. Select the projection method.
7. If you select [Transmit Still Image File], specify the file to be projected.
8. Click [Start].
The computer screen or selected file is projected.
• To close Network Utility, either select [Exit], or click [ ] to close the window.
Settings Using a USB Memory Device
The wireless LAN settings information can be shared between the computer and projector using a USB
memory device. This is useful when you are setting up multiple devices at one time.
The wireless LAN settings information is stored on the USB memory device. There are two methods to do
this: one method is to copy the computer settings to the projector, and the other method is to copy the
projector settings to the computer.
Copying computer settings to the projector
1. Insert the USB memory device into the computer USB port.
2. Double-click the "Network Utility" icon.
Network Utility starts.
3. Click [Menu].
4. Click [Write Settings to USB Memory].
5. Click [Execute] in [Copy Setting Information].
The computer's wireless LAN settings are displayed on the screen.
6. Click [OK].
The settings are saved to the USB memory device.
7. Turn the projector on.
3. Using the Projector via a Network