Lifescan UltraSmart Blood Glucose Meter User Manual

Continue holding the sampler against the
skin for a few seconds until the blood drop
forms. Allow enough blood to form under
the cap until you have a blood sample that
is sufficient to fill the confirmation window
of the test strip ( actual size). If you must
massage the area to obtain more blood, do
not squeeze the site excessively.
Allow Blood Drop to Form.
If bruising occurs, you may choose to lance a
fingertip instead. If you are having difficulty obtaining
blood from the arm, call your local LifeScan Customer
Service office for assistance. See back cover for
contact information.
Note: Blood is applied to the test strip in the same
manner as described on page 30. However, you
may find it more convenient to hold the arm still
and bring the meter and test strip to the blood
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