Adding customer segments
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Adding customer segments
Contact centers often need to differentiate service for their various markets as a result of
varying customer needs, their company’s strategy for sales or service, or even customer value.
The example in this section uses the Dynamic Queue Position feature to allow this company to
queue calls from multiple Vector Directory Numbers (VDNs ) to a single skill, while maintaining
service differentiation through the different service objectives for those VDNs. This solution
simplifies administration and contact center management because it does not require the
addition of skills for agents. It simplifies staffing and forecasting because only a single skill,
rather than a set of skills, needs to be forecasted for the new, segmented customer base.
This solution also includes:
● Predicted Wait Time
● After Call Work (ACW) as work time
● Skill Level as the call selection method
● Expert Agent Distribution-Least Occupied Agent (EAD-LOA) for agent selection
This section includes the following topics:
● Background information on page 55
● Agent assignments on page 56
● Agent selection on page 56
● Call selection on page 56
● Service objectives on page 57
● Where administered? on page 57
● Results on page 58
● Measuring results on page 59
Background information
A company that sells home security systems is entering a new market and as a result of fierce
competition must make a very favorable first impression on its new customers. The contact
center takes both Sales and Service calls and each type is considered equally important. In
addition to impressing new customers, it must continue to serve its existing customers, some of
whom are willing to wait to be served and others who will abandon if forced to wait longer than a