Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Logical Agent An EAS feature that associates the agent’s login ID with the physical
extension when the agent logs in. Properties such as the assigned skills,
class of restriction, and coverage path are associated with the login ID rather
than with the physical extension. This allows agents to log in at any available
Agents are assigned a single set of work mode buttons, rather than one set
per skill. This simplifies the agent’s interface to the work mode buttons.
When the “MI” or “AI” button is lit, the agent is available to take a call in any
assigned skill.
The Logical Agent capability allows calling agents to connect by dialing in to
their login IDs. Calls to login IDs may be treated as Direct Agent ACD calls,
given the proper class of restriction, or may be treated as extension
(personal) calls.
Treating the calls as Direct Agent Calls can be used to help distinguish
business-related calls from personal calls.
LOGOFF An agent trace work mode. An agent is logged out and is not available to
take ACD calls.
LOGON An agent trace work mode. An agent is logged in and is available to take
ACD calls.
Maintenance A CMS subsystem that is used for doing routine maintenance of the CMS,
such as backing up data, checking on the status of the connection to the
switch, and scanning the error log.
Maintenance Busy
A trunk state. The trunk is maintenance busy; that is, it is out of service for
maintenance purposes.
Manual In (MI) An ACD work mode. MI makes the agent available to receive an ACD call
and automatically places the agent into the ACW state upon release from the
MBUSY See Maintenance Busy (MBUSY)
MCH See Multiple Call Handling (MCH)
Measured A term that means an ACD element (that is, an agent, split or skill, trunk,
trunk group, vector, or VDN) has been identified to CMS for collection of
data. If the ACD element is not measured, no data is collected.
MI See Manual In (MI)
MIA See Most Idle Agent (MIA)