Percent Allocation
Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Auto Reserve Agents
The Percent Allocation Auto Reserve Agents feature is used to intentionally leave an agent idle
in a skill if her target allocation for that skill has been exceeded. This can result in available
agents with calls in queue. This is a normal and expected condition when Auto Reserve Agents
is enabled. Additionally, this feature may result in lower occupancy for multi-skilled agents.
Agents can be auto-reserved for Percent Allocation when the Dynamic Advocate customer
option is active. Use the Feature-Related System-Parameters form to define Percent Allocation
for auto-reserve agents on a system-wide basis. The available values are all or
Agents are assigned a level 1 or level 2 reserve skill level on the Agent Login ID form. Agents
become reserved for a skill when the work time in the skill exceeds their Percent Allocation
target. The Percent Allocation target is assigned on the Agent Login ID form as a %. Only level
2 agents for that skill become auto-reserved if the secondary-only system assignment is used.
An auto-reserve agent does not receive calls for skills whose EWT for Percent Allocation is
below the assigned threshold targets. These reserved agents only receive calls from those skills
when the EWT for Percent Allocation is above the threshold.
Location Preference Distribution
For information about how Percent Allocation interacts with Location Preference Distribution,
see Reserve agents and Location Preference Distribution
on page 111.
Multiple call handling
All time with one or more ACD calls ringing, active, or on hold for two or more skills is included
in the calculation of an agent’s work time for each of the skills. In effect, this is “double counting”
the agent’s work time. This double counting affects call selection using the Percent Allocation