Expert Agent Distribution (EAD)
148 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Expert Agent
Distribution (EAD)
An agent selection method, available only in an Expert Agent Selection
(EAS) environment, in which idle agents are grouped by skill level (1 through
16, if the EAS-PHD customer option is set; 1 or 2 if the EAS-PHD customer
option is not set).
The least occupied (EAD-LOA) or most idle (EAD-MIA) skill level 1 agent is
selected or, if no skill level 1 agent is available, the least occupied or most
idle skill level 2 agent, and so on.
Expert Agent
Selection (EAS)
An optional switch feature that builds on the power of the Call Vectoring and
ACD features of the switch to match the skills required to handle a particular
call to an agent who has at least one of the skills that a caller requires.
The ACD queuing and the vector commands Queue-to and Check are used
to route a call to an agent with the appropriate skill to handle that call. With
EAS, call distribution is based on skill. You can match the skills required to
handle a particular call to an agent who has at least one of the skills that a
caller requires.
CMS collects data on skills in the same manner as it collects data on splits.
Real-Time agent reports generally indicate which skills the agents have, and
in which skill they are currently working.
Skill reports show the performance of the skill overall, displaying such items
as the ASA, the number of calls, and the percentage of calls answered within
the target service level for the skill.
CMS also reports VDN data by VDN skill preference, so that customers can
assess the contact center performance relative to calls requiring particular
skills. CMS reports how many calls were handled, how long these calls
waited for service, and the average talk time for calls queued to a particular
skill preference in a particular VDN.
Extension call Extension calls are any calls that are originated by agents and non-ACD calls
received by agents. For the Generic 3 switches, these include calls an agent
makes to set up a conference or transfer.
FBUSY See Forced Busy (FBUSY)
FDISC See Forced Disconnect (FDISC)
Flex Agents Flex agents are agents who have a role of roving, backup, or allocated
through Business Advocate. Top and reserve agents are not flex agents.
FMCH See Forced Multiple Call Handling (FMCH)
Forced Busy (FBUSY) A trunk state. The caller receives a forced busy signal.