Business Advocate solution examples
50 Avaya Business Advocate User Guide February 2006
Maintaining service levels - one scenario
Service levels are critical for many contact centers. In some cases, for example, outsourcing
companies are required to maintain specific service levels to meet contractual obligations to
their customers. Other contact centers, however, might be required to maintain service levels to
serve their internal customers, such as various lines of business within their company. The
solution outlined in this scenario is one of many that could help a contact center that is focused
primarily on maintaining service levels.
This particular solution involves the following Business Advocate features:
● Predicted Wait Time
● Greatest Need as the call selection method
● Universal Call Distribution-Least Occupied Agent (UCD-LOA) for agent selection
● Service Level Supervisor
● Dynamic Threshold Adjustment
This section includes the following topics:
● Background information on page 50
● Agent selection on page 51
● Call selection on page 51
● Automated agent staffing on page 51
● Overload thresholds and service level targets on page 52
● Where administered? on page 52
● Results on page 53
● Measuring results on page 54
Background information
An outsourcing company has contracts with several businesses, each one of which requires a
different service level for their sales or service calls:
● Business A requires a service level of 90% in 15 seconds
● Business B requires a service level of 80% in 20 seconds
● Business C requires a service level of 75% in 45 seconds
Daily call volumes vary widely for each business as a result of promotions and other events.
This makes it difficult for the contact center managers to forecast staffing needs and routinely
maintain service levels. However, the contact center must be responsive to changing conditions