Maintenance Procedure
Master Cylinder Rubber Parts Replacement
Front Master Cylinder Disassembly
Remove the front master cylinder (see Front Master Cylin-
der Removal in the Brakes chapter).
Remove the seal cover [A], circlip [B], connector [C] and
O-ring [D].
Special Tool - Insid e Circlip Pliers: 57001-14 3
Unscrew the locknut [E] and pivot bolt [F], and remove the
brake lever.
Remove the circlip [G].
Pull out the piston assembly [H].
Seal Cover [A]
Circlip [B]
O-ring [D]
Circlip [G]
Piston Assembly [H]
Diaphragm [I]
Rear Master Cylinder Disassembly
Remove the rear master cylinder (see Rear Master Cylin-
der Removal in the Brakes chapter).
Remove the circlip [A], connector [B] and O-ring [C].
Special Tool - Insid e Circlip Pliers: 57001-14 3
Slide the dust cover [D] out of place, and remove the cir-
clip [E].
Pull out the push rod assembly [F].
Do not remove the secondary cup from the piston
since removal will damage it.
Circlip [A]
O-ring [C]
Circlip [E]
Push Rod Assembly [F]
Piston Assembly [G]
Diaphragm [H]
Master Cylinder Assembly
Before assembly, clean all parts including the master
cylinder with brake fluid or alcohol.
Except for the disc pads and disc, use only disc
brake fluid, isopropyl alcohol, or ethyl alcohol for
cleaning brake parts. Do not use any other fluid for
cleaning these parts. Gasoline, engine oil, or any
other petroleum distillate will cause deterioration of
the rubber parts. Oil spilled on any part will be diffi-
cult to wash off completely, and will eventually de-
teriorate the rubber used in the disc brake.