Radiator Inspection
Remove the radiator (see Radiator and Radiator Fan Re-
Check the radiator core.
If there are obstructions to air flow, remove them.
If the corrugated fins [A] are deformed, carefully
straighten them.
If the air passages of the radiator core are blocked more
than 20% by unremovable obstructions or irreparably de-
formed fins, replace the radiator with a new one.
When cleaning the radiator with steam cleaner, be
careful of the following to prevent radiator damage:
Keep the steam gun [A] away more than 0.5 m (1.6
ft) [B] from the radiator core.
Hold the steam gun perpendicular [C] (not oblique
[D]) to the core surface.
Run the steam gun, following the core fin direction.
Radiator Cap Inspection
Remove the radiator cap (see Pressure Testing).
Check the condition of the bottom [A] and top [B] valve
seals and valve s pring [C].
If any one of them shows visible damage, replace the cap
with a new one.
Install the cap [A] on a cooling system pressure tester [B].
Wet the cap sealing surfaces with water or coolant to
prevent pressure leaks.
Watching the pressure gauge, pump the pressure tester
to build up the pressure until the relief valve opens: the
gauge needle flicks downward. Stop pumping and mea-
sure leak time at once. The relief valve must open within
the specified range in the table below and the gauge hand
must remain within the same range at least 6 seconds.
Radiator Cap Relief Pressure
Standard: 93 ∼ 123 kPa (0.95 ∼ 1.25 kgf/cm², 14 ∼ 18
If the cap can not hold the specified pressure or if it holds
too much pressure, replace it with a new one.