Troubleshooting the DFI System
Always check battery condition before replacing the DFI
parts. A fully c harged battery is a must for conducting
accurate tests of the DFI system.
Trouble may involve one or in some cases all items.
Never replace a defective part without determining what
CAUSED the problem. If the problem was caused by
some other item or items, they too must be repaired or
replaced, or the new replacement part will soon fail again
Measure coil winding resistance when the DFI part is cold
(at room temperature)
Do not adjust or remove the throttle sensor.
Do not directly connect a 12 V battery to a fuel injector.
Insert a resistor (5 ∼ 7 Ω ) or a bulb (12 V × 3 ∼ 3.4 W) in
series between the battery and the injector.
The DFI parts have been adjusted and set with precision.
Therefore, they should be handled carefully, never strike
sharply, as with a hammer, or allowed to drop on a hard
surface. Such a shock to the parts can damage them.
Check wiring and connections from the ECU connector
to the suspected faulty DFI parts, using the hand tester
(special tool, analog tester) rather than a digital tester.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Make sure all connectors in the circuit are clean and tight,
and examine wires for signs of burning, fraying, etc. Dete-
riorated leads and bad connections can cause reappear-
ance of problems and unstable operation of the DFI sys-
If any wiring is deteriorated, replace the wiring.
Pull each connector [A] apart and inspect it for corrosion,
dirt, and damage.
If the connector is corroded or dirty, clean it carefully. If it
is damaged, replace it. Connect the connectors securely.
Check the wiring for continuity.
Use the wiring diagram to find the ends of the lead which
is suspected of being a problem.
Connect the hand tester between the ends of the leads.
Set the tester to the × 1 Ω range, and read the tester.
If the tester does not read 0 Ω, the lead is defective. Re-
place the lead or the main harness or the sub harness.