Clean A ir System
Air Suction Valve Removal
Air Switching Valve (see Air Switching Valve Removal)
Air Suction Valve Cover Bolts [A]
Air Suction Valve Covers [B]
Remove the air suction valves [A].
Air Suction Valve Installation
Install the air suction valve so that opening [A] of the reed
faces the rear and downward.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the air suction valve cover bolts, and tighten them with
the specified torque.
Torq ue - Air Suctio n Val ve Cover Bolts : 10 N·m (1.0 kgf·m,
89 in·lb)
Air Suction Valve Inspection
Remove the air suction valve (see Air Suction Valve Re-
Visually inspect the reeds for cracks, folds, warps, heat
damage or other damage.
If there is any doubt as to the condition of the reeds [A],
replace the air suction valve as an assembly.
Check the reed contact areas [B] of the valve holder for
grooves, scratches, any signs of separation from the
holder or heat damage.
If there is any doubt as to the condition of the reed contact
areas, replace the air suction valve as an assembly.
If any carbon or other foreign particles have accumulated
between the reed and the reed contact area, wash the
valve assembly clean with a high-flash point solvent.
Do not scrape off the deposits with a scraper as this
could damage the rubber, requiring replacement of
the suction valve assembly.