Crankshaft and Connecting Rods
If the clearance is within the standard, no bearing replace-
ment is required.
If the clearance is between 0.061 mm (0.0024 in.) and
the service limit (0.10 mm, 0.0039 in.), replace the bear-
ing inserts [A] with inserts painted blue [B]. Check in-
sert/crankpin clearance with the plastigage. The clear-
ance may exceed the standard slightly, but it must not be
less than the minimum in order to avoid bearing seizure.
If the clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the
diameter of the crankpins.
Crankpin Diameter
Standard: 34.484 ∼ 34.500 mm (1.3576 ∼ 1.3583 in.)
Service Limit: 34.47 m m (1.3571 in.)
If any crankpin has worn past the service limit, replace the
crankshaft with a new one.
If the measured crankpin diameters are not less than the
service limit, but do not coincide with the original diameter
markings on the crankshaft, make new marks on it.
There are two types [C] [D] of marking positions.
Crankpin Diameter Marks
34.484 ∼ 34.492 mm (1.3576 ∼ 1.3579 in.)
34.493 ∼ 34.500 mm (1.3580 ∼ 1.3583 in.)
: Crankpin Diameter Marks, “
Measure the connecting rod big end inside diameter, and
mark each connecting rod big end in accordance with the
inside diameter.
Tighten the connecting rod big end nuts to the specified
torque (see Connecting Rod Installation).
The mark already on the big end should almost c oincide
with the measurement.