Front Fork
Hold the fork tube upright, press the inner tube [A] and
the piston rod all the way down.
Pour in the type and amount of fork oil specified.
Fork Oil
KHL15-10 (KAYABA) or equivalent
Amount (per side):
When changing oil:
Approx. 4 80 mL (16.2 US oz.)
After disassembly and completely dry:
If necessary, measure the oil level as follows.
Hold the inner tube vertically in a vise.
Using the piston rod puller [A], move the piston rod [B] up
and down more than ten times in order to expel all the air
from the fork oil.
Special Tool - Fork Piston Rod Puller, M 10 × 1.0: 57001
Remove the piston rod puller.
Wait until the oil level settles.
With the fork fully compressed and the piston rod fully
pushed in, insert a tape measure or rod into the inner
tube, and measure the distance from the top of the outer
tube to the oil.
Oil Level (fully compressed, without spring)
Standard: 111 ±2 mm (4.37 ±0.08 in.)
Fork oil lever may also be measured using the fork oil
level gauge.
Special Tool - Fork Oil Level Gauge [A]: 57001-1290
With the fork fully compressed and without fork spring,
insert the gauge tube into the inner tube [B] and position
the stopper across the top end [F] of the outer tube [C].
Set the gauge stopper [D] so that its lower side shows the
oil level distance specified [E].
Pull the handle slowly to pump out the excess oil until the
oil no longer comes out.
If no oil is pumped out, there is insufficient oil in the inner
tube. Pour in enough oil, then pump out the excess oil as
shown above.