Oxygen Sensor #1-not activated (ServiceCode33)-EuropeModels
Connect the following parts temporary.
Fuel Pump Lead Connector [A]
Extension Tube [B]
Special Tool - Extension Tube: 57001-1578
Turn the ignition switch ON.
Start the engine, and let it idle.
Measure the output voltage of the sensor with the con-
nector joined.
Oxygen Sensor #1 Output Voltage (with Plugs)
0.45 ∼ 2.5 V
Next, remove the plugs from the fittings [A] with idling.
Measure the output voltage of the sensor with the con-
nector joined.
Oxygen Sensor #1 Output Voltage (without Plugs)
0.05 ∼ 0.45 V
If the reading is within range (with plugs: 0.45 ∼ 2.5 V ,
without plugs: 0.05 ∼ 0.45 V), the oxygen sensor is good.
If the reading is without range, replace the oxygen sensor
Remove the needle adapter set, and apply silicone
sealant to the seals of the connector for waterproofing.
Sealant - Kawasaki Bond (Silicone Sealant): 56019-120