Maintenance Procedure
Push and pull [A] the fuel hose j oint [B] back and forth
more than two times and make sure it is locked and
doesn’t come off.
Make sure the fuel hose joint is installed correctly
on the delivery pipe or the fuel could leak.
If it comes off, reinstall the hose joint.
Run the fuel hose correctly (see Cable, Wire, and Hose
Routing section in the Appendix chapter).
Install the removed parts (see appropriate chapters).
Start the engine and check the fuel hose for leaks.
Coolant Change
To avoid burns, do not remove the radiator cap or
try to change the coolant when the engine is still
hot. Wait until it cools down. Coolant on tires will
make them slippery and can cause an accident
and injury. Immediately wipe up or wash away any
coolant that spills on the frame, engine, or other
painted parts.
Since coolant is harmful to the human body, do not
use for drinking.
Right Upper Inner Fairing (see Upper Inner Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame chapter)
Radiator Cap [A]
Remove the radiator cap in two steps. First turn the cap
counterclockwise to the first stop. Then push and turn it
further in the same direction and remove the cap.
Remove the left m iddle fairing (see Middle Fairing Re-
moval in the Frame c hapter).
Place a containers under the drain bolts [A] [B] of the wa-
ter pump cover and cylinder.
Drain the coolant from the radiator and engine by remov-
ing the drain bolts.