76 Part No. 1073955
Contact Invacare Corporation (800-333-6900) with any questions about using this
wheelchair for seating in a motor vehicle.
When feasible, wheelchair occupants should transfer into the vehicle seat and use
the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) vehicle-installed restraint system.
This wheelchair has been dynamically tested in a forward-facing mode with the
specified crash test dummy restrained by both pelvic and upper-torso belt(s)
(shoulder belts), and that BOTH pelvic and upper torso belt(s) should be used to
reduce the possibility of head and chest impacts with vehicle components.
Use ONLY Wheelchair Tie-down and Occupant Restraint Systems (WTORS) which
meet the requirements of the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) J2249
Recommended Practice during travel in a motor vehicle.
This wheelchair MUST be in a forward facing position during travel in a motor
This wheelchair is equipped, and has been dynamically tested to rely on wheelchair-
anchored pelvic belts. if desired, vehicle-anchored pelvic belts may be used.
It is strongly recommended that both pelvic and upper-torso belt(s) be used to
reduce the risk of injury.
To reduce the potential of injury to vehicle occupants, wheelchair-mounted
accessories, including but not limited to IV poles, trays, respiratory equipment,
backpacks, and other personal items should be removed and secured separately.
Postural supports, positioning devices, and/or strap(s) should not be relied on for
occupant restraint. These items may be used in addition to the wheelchair-
anchored or vehicle-anchored belts.
DO NOT alter or substitute wheelchair frame parts, components, or seating
A sudden stop and/or collision may structurally damage your wheelchair.
Wheelchairs involved in such incidents should be replaced.
Transport ready packages are not retrofittable to existing models and are not field
Only use the transport brackets included with TRRO for the purposes described in
this manual.