Part No. 1073955 71 Orbit
Before using the recliner option, make sure the anti-tipper wheel assemblies are in
the lowest adjustment hole (adjustment hole closest to the ground/floor.)
Before using ANY recline position of this wheelchair, make sure the rear wheels are
in the most rearward position to maintain the stability of the wheelchair.
The seat height, seat depth, back angle, pivot point of seat frame, seating system,
caster position, size and position of the rear wheels, as well as the user condition
directly relate to the stability of the wheelchair. Any change to one or any combina-
tion of the nine may cause the wheelchair to decrease in stability. These adjustments
MUST be performed by an authorized Invacare dealer or qualified technician.
NOTE:Forthisprocedure,refertoFIGURE 11.1onpage72.
1. Placethewheelchaironalevelsurface.
2. Engagebothwheellocks.RefertoHandActivatedWheelLockProceduresonpage 66
orFootActivatedWheelLockProceduresonpage 65.
3. Disengagethelockingmechanismonthereleasepedal.
4. Informtheoccupantofthewheelchairthatthewheelchairisabouttobetiltedand
5. Standbehindthewheelchairandapplypressuretothereleasepedal.
6. Slowly,pull backonthebackcanes orstrollerhandlewhilest eppingon therelease pedal.
7. Whentheseatreachesthedesiredangle,slowlyrelievethepressureontherelease
8. Engagethelockingmechanismonthereleasepedal.
9. Disengagewheellocksbeforeattemptingtomovewheelchair.RefertoHand
ActivatedWheelLockProceduresonpage 66orFootActivatedWheelLock
Proceduresonpage 65.
10. Reclinethewheelchairifnecessary.RefertoEngagingTilt‐In‐Spaceonpage 70.
Adjustment Hole Closest
to the Ground/Floor
Most Rearward