34 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters
Configuring the NOC Application
During this period, the screen shown in Figure 4-5 is displayed. (The current pressure value
may or may not be displayed.) You can press
STOP to stop the averaging. You will be returned
to the previous screen.
Figure 4-5 Density determination for water – In process
8. When the good sample is achieved, the results are shown on a screen similar to Figure 4-6.
This screen also displays the stored value for water density at reference temperature, and the
date and time and which this value was stored.
• To discard the data from this procedure, press
EXIT. You will be returned to the Procedure
Selection screen. From this point you can repeat the density determination procedure or
EXIT to move up the menu and return to other functions.
• To replace the stored value with the new value, press
Figure 4-6 Density determination for water – In-line procedure results
Actual Water Density
x.xxxx g/cm3
Actual Temperature
xxx.x deg F
Actual Pressure
xx.xxxx PSI
Measure and Save
Av Watr Density @ Ref
x.xxxx g/cm3
Av Water Density at
dd-mm-yy hh:mm
Current Dens @ Ref
x.xxxxx g/cm3
Current Dens Saved
dd-mm-yy hh:mm