Net Oil Computer Supplement 33
Configuring the NOC Application
NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin
In-line density determination for water
To perform a in-line density determination for water:
1. Ensure that the correct fluid (water) is flowing through the sensor. You may need to close the
outlet valve from the separator and wait for the phases to settle, then open the outlet valve.
2. From the Calibration menu, select
Density Determination and work through the screens until
the Procedure Selection screen (see Figure 4-3) is displayed. In Well Test mode, you will be
required to select the well for which the procedure will be performed.
3. From the Procedure Selection screen, select
Water Density.
4. From the next screen, select
Measure and Save.
5. The display now shows the current values for water density, water temperature, volume,
flowrate, and pressure (if pressure compensation for water density is enabled), plus the
configured Water Deviation and Water Duration Ave values (see Figure 4-4). Monitor the
density and temperature values, watching for the density and temperature readings to stabilize.
Note: The Water Deviation and Water Duration Ave values shown here are read-only. If you need to
change them, you must reconfigure the well data. See Section 4.3.
6. (Optional) Press
RESET to reset the volume total to 0. This enables you to monitor the amount
of fluid that remains in the separator (if the separator volume is known).
Figure 4-4 Density determination for water – Preparing to start
7. When the density and temperature readings have stabilized, press
application will now average the density and temperature of the process fluid until a good
sample is achieved.
A “good sample” means that, for the configured Water Duration Ave, no two consecutive
density readings differed by more than the configured Water Deviation limit. If the water
deviation limit is exceeded, averaging is restarted.
Note: If the averaging procedure does not end automatically, you may need to verify your process
fluid or increase the Water Deviation value.
Measure & Save
Actual Rate
xxxx.x bbl/day
Water Deviation
x.xxxx g/cm3
Water Duration Ave
xx sec
Measure & Save
Actual Water Density
x.xxxx g/cm3
Actual Temperature
xxx.x deg F
Actual Pressure
xx.xxxx PSI
xxxx.x bbl/day
Top of screen Bottom of screen