6 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters
NOC Overview
In Figure 2-2:
• The NOC system is implemented with a three-phase separator.
• An optional gas meter is installed, and gas flow rate data is sent to the Series 3000 device via
the frequency input.
• A meter is installed on the water leg, but the Series 3000 device does not monitor or record
flow data from this source.
• A water cut monitor is installed on the oil leg. The NOC system can be configured to use either
density-based water cut data or data from the water cut monitor.
• Because there is no pressure sensor, pressure compensation is not applied.
Figure 2-2 NOC system with three-phase separator
Series 3000 platform
Micro Motion sensor
Oil leg
Gas leg
Water leg
Gas flow rate (Frequency input)
Flowmeter (water)
Water cut monitor
Flowmeter (gas)
Water cut data