Initial Scanner Setup
Send Settings
This section explains how to set the
defaults for sending settings such as
the compression level for scan file
and how the machine switches to the
network TWAIN scanner function.
The send settings consist of the fol-
lowing. For the list about settings and
defaults, see p.13 “Scanner Features”.
v TWAIN Standby Time
When the machine is being used to
send e-mail or a file, or functioning
as Document Server or a network
delivery scanner, a scanning re-
quest to the machine as a TWAIN
scanner will switch the machine to
the network TWAIN scanner func-
tion. This setting determines the de-
lay until the machine switches to the
network TWAIN scanner function.
• When [Off] is selected, the ma-
chine will switch to the network
TWAIN scanner function at
• When [On] is selected, you can
enter the delay time with the
number keys (3 - 30 seconds).
The machine will switch to the
network TWAIN scanner func-
tion when the time set here
passes after the last key opera-
v File Type Priority
Select whether to send the file of
scanned originals using a single
page or multiple pages.
When sending using multiple pag-
es, select either TIFF or PDF.
r If you specify multi-page TIFF
for file in a JPEG format, the for-
mat is automatically changed to
v Compression (Black & White)
This setting determines whether
scan file for the black and white
setting is to be compressed.
r The actual time required for file
transfer will vary depending on
the file size and network load.
r Compression reduces the time
required for transferring the
scan file.
v Compression (Gray Scale)
This setting determines to what ex-
tent scan file for the grayscale set-
ting is to be compressed. You can
select [High], [Standard], [Low], or
r The compression ratio decreas-
es in the order [High], [Standard],
[Low], and [Off], and the time re-
quired for file transfer increases
r The actual time required for file
transfer will vary depending on
the file size and network load.
v Print & Delete Scanner Journal
Select whether to print the Scanner
Journal automatically when the
number of delivered e-mails reach-
es 100.
r When printed, all records are
deleted after printing. When not
printed, records over the limit
are automatically deleted in
succession from the oldest
r While the journal is being print-
ed, the file whose status is wait-
ing cannot be sent.