Message List
Can't contact LDAP server(81) Cannot contact the LDAP server. Check the
server is working and communicating prop-
Local error(82) A local program error or an SASL authenti-
cation error has occurred. Consult the net-
work administrator.
Encoding error(83) An error occurred while encoding the mes-
sage to be transmitted. Consult the network
Decoding error(84) An error occurred while decoding the re-
ceived message. Consult the network admin-
Timed out(85) The search could not be completed within
the time allowed.
Unknown authentication method(86) An unknown authentication method has
been specified. Check the authentication set-
Bad search filter(87) An error has been detected in the search fil-
ter specification. Check the search criteria. If
the error persists, consult the network ad-
User cancelled operation(88) The operation has been cancelled.
Bad parameter to an ldap routine(89) An illegal parameter was passed to the
LDAP routine. Check the settings. If the er-
ror persists, consult the network administra-
Out of memory(90) The machine is out of memory.
Connect error(91) A connection with the server could not be es-
tablished. Check the settings.
Not Supported(92) The specified function is not supported.
Control not found(93) Control is not found.
No results returned(94) There are no results to return.
More results to return(95) There are more results to return.
Client Loop(96) A client loop has been detected.
Referral Limit Exceeded(97) The amount of data has exceeded the referral
LDAP error message Causes and solutions