Advanced Features
r You can specify up to 100 Receiv-
ing Stations and Transfer Stations
in total.
r When a Transfer Request is sent by
e-mail, as soon as the Transfer Sta-
tion completes transfer to all Re-
ceiving Stations, it sends back a
Transfer Result Report by e-mail.
See p.91 “Transfer Result Report
(transfer request by e-mail)”.
r When a Transfer Request is sent by
e-mail to a computer or facsimile
without the Transfer Request func-
tion, that machine receives it as or-
dinary e-mail. It does not transfer
the message nor send an error re-
port back to the Requesting Party.
To send Transfer Request by e-
mail, use a Transfer Station that
supports Internet Fax and has the
Transfer Station function.
r You can program one of the Quick
Operation keys with operations for
this function. Using the key allows
you to omit steps C and D.
A Place the original, and then select
any scan settings you require.
r When sending a Transfer Re-
quest by e-mail, sent text size is
[Detail], even if [Super Fine] is se-
r Transfer Requests by e-mail are
sent at A4 width. Wider origi-
nals are reduced to A4 width.
p.15 “Placing Originals”, Fac-
simile Reference <Basic Features>
p.33 “Scan Settings”, Facsimile
Reference <Basic Features>
B Specify a Transfer Station.
r Specify whether to enter the
Transfer Station's fax number or
e-mail address directly, or to
use the destination list.
r If you make a mistake, press the
{Clear/Stop} key, and then try
r When a Transfer Request is sent
by e-mail, e-mail options can be
set. See steps B and C on p.54
“Transmitting Internet Fax”,
Facsimile Reference <Basic Fea-
p.38 “Entering a Fax Number”,
Facsimile Reference <Basic Fea-
p.40 “Entering an E-mail Ad-
dress”, Facsimile Reference <Basic
p.41 “Using Destination Lists”,
Facsimile Reference <Basic Fea-
C Press [Adv. Features].
D Select [Transfer Req.].
E Press [Receiving Station].