
v Manuals for DeskTopBinder V2 Lite
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “Scanner
Driver & Document Management Utilities”.
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes installation of, and the operating environment for DeskTop-
Binder V2 Lite in detail. This guide can be displayed from the [Setup] dia-
log box when DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is installed.
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite Introduction Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes operations of DeskTopBinder V2 Lite and provides an overview
of its functions. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when DeskTop-
Binder V2 Lite is installed.
•Auto Document Link Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes operations and functions of Auto Document Link installed with
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is installed.
v Manuals for ScanRouter V2 Lite
ScanRouter V2 Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “Scanner
Driver & Document Management Utilities”.
ScanRouter V2 Lite Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes installation of, settings, and the operating environment for Scan-
Router V2 Lite in detail. This guide can be displayed from the [Setup] dia-
log box when ScanRouter V2 Lite is installed.
ScanRouter V2 Lite Management Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes delivery server management and operations, and provides an
overview of ScanRouter V2 Lite functions. This guide is added to the [Start]
menu when ScanRouter V2 Lite is installed.
v Other manuals
PS3 Supplement (PDF file - CD-ROM1)
Unix Supplement (Available from an authorized dealer, or as a PDF file on
our Web site.)
r The following software products are referred to using a general names:
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite and DesktopBinder V2 Professional Desktop-
Binder V2 Lite/Professional
ScanRouter V2 Lite and ScanRouter V2 Professional (optional) Scan-
Router V2 Lite/Professional
SmartNetMonitor for Admin and SmartNetMonitor for Client Smart-
NetMonitor for Admin/Client