3Alarms Alarm Limits
These pop-up keys are not available in the window for changing individual alarm limits which you
access by selecting the measurement label in the Alarm Limits window.
Changing Alarm Limits
To change individual measurement alarm limits using the measurement’s Setup Menu,
1 in the measurement’s setup menu, select the alarm limit you want to change. This calls up a list of
available values for the alarm limit.
2 Select a value from the list to adjust the alarm limit.
Alternatively, you can use the keys in the measurement Change Limits window, which you access by
selecting the measurement label in the Alarm Limits window.
To change alarm limits,
1 In the Change Limits window,
– if you are using touch, select the up or down arrow buttons to adjust the high and low alarm
limits as required.
– if you are using a SpeedPoint or Navigation Point, position the cursor in the high yellow alarm
field, then press the knob inwards. Rotate the knob to the left or right to adjust the limit. Press
the knob again to set the displayed limit.
2 Repeat to set the low yellow alarm limit.
15-min trend, showing alarm
limits and monitored
measurement values
(MP40/50/60/70/90 only)
Preview Alarm AutoLimits for a
measurement before applying
Select to apply wide AutoLimits
Select to apply narrow
High yellow alarm field
Low yellow alarm field
High red alarm (view only)
Up/down arrow keys for
changing high yellow alarm
Alarms On/Off key - select to
toggle between alarms on or off
Low red alarm (view only)
Up/down arrow keys for
changing low yellow alarm limits
Graphic view of alarm limits
with currently measured value