
Quantum Scale System
2 - 17 General Information
Screen Contrast
Once you have positioned the Console, you may need to
adjust/set the Screen Contrast. This ensures that you can
see the screen details at the adjusted console position.
To change the screen contrast:
1. PRESS [CONTRAST ] to lighten the screen display
-- OR-- PRESS [CONTRAST ] to darken the screen
HELP Key Functions
The Quantum is equipped with context sensitive Help
Screens to assist you in quick, efficient scale operation. The
HELP Function has four (4) levels of assistance.
Help of “F” Keys
About the Keyboard
Basic Help
Moving Through the System
In addition to assisting you with scale operation, you will
also press HELP to access the On Screen Library. Refer to
the “On Screen Library” section later in this manual for a
complete explanation of this function.