Using MediCal Pro 87
Bands with text This pattern can be used to check if the display func-
tion is perceptually linear (calibrated according to the
DICOM display curve).
This is the case if the text in all of the bands is legi-
Briggs This pattern can be used to check if the display func-
tion is perceptually linear (calibrated according to the
DICOM display curve). The pattern consists of rectan-
gles including small squares that are 5% darker.
The small squares in each of the rectangles should be
visible if the system is calibrated according to the
DICOM display function.
Centered Square This pattern can be used to check the white lumi-
Put the optical sensor on the white square and check
the measured luminance displayed in the measure-
ment window
Characters This pattern can be used to check the image focus.
Check that the characters are sharp.
Contrast & noise This pattern can be used to check the video signal.
Check that there is no ghosting or smearing near the
white squares.
Focus Just like the Characters pattern, this pattern can be
used to check the image focus.
Check that the characters are sharp.
Grid This pattern can be used to check the image geome-
try (size, position, linearity) and focus.
Check if the lines of the pattern are:
- straight
- at an equal distance apart
- sharp
Horizontal gradientThis pattern displays a horizontal gradient from black
to white. You can use this pattern to check the gray-
scale performance.
SMPTE The SMPTE pattern is a universal pattern with which
you can check geometry, focus, white luminance,
bandwidth and display curve.
We suggest to check on display curve. Therefore,
check the patches with the 5% gray square on black
and the 95% white square on white. The gray
squares should be visible if the system is calibrated
according to the DICOM display function.