Using MediCal Pro 86
3 Select a pattern from the drop-down list.
If you select Select Image, a dialog box will appear when the pattern
is loaded, allowing you to select any jpg, bmp or gif image file on the
4 Click on the Load button.
After a few seconds, the test pattern will appear.
5 The following patterns provide a Measure window, allowing you to
measure certain areas from the test pattern with the optical sensor:
a) Centered square
b) Select Image
c) Uniformity
6 Right-click on the test pattern to display a menu with the following
options (depending on the configuration and pattern, some of them
may not be available):
Test pattern description
The default test patterns are:
Invert LUT:
Invert the values in the imaging board’s LUTs (white
becomes black, black becomes white, etc.)
Linearize LUT:
The LUT entries are filled with a linear function (a
gamma of 1).
Full Screen:
Expand the test pattern over the connected displays,
covering the full virtual desktop.
Every Screen:
Repeat the test pattern on every connected display.
Quit: Close the test pattern.
Pattern name Description
Astigmatism This pattern can be used to check the astigmatism
and overall focus of the display. Check that the pat-
tern is displayed sharp all over the screen.