• QuickPDF
: allows you to view existing PDF documents from your
SD card and your Recent Documents folder.
4. Select an option and follow the on-screen instructions.
Samsung Apps
Samsung Apps allows you to easily download an abundance of
useful applications to your phone and to keep them updated.
Featuring a wealth of games, news, reference, social networking,
widgets, health related applications, and more, Samsung Apps
gives you instant access to a huge selection of mobile
Your phone can use the fully optimized applications from Samsung
Apps, which can be automatically updated.
1. From the Home screen, tap Samsung Apps.
2. Search for and download applications as required.
This feature might not be available in your region. For details, visit
This menu allows you to adjust the various settings for your phone.
For more information, refer to “Changing Your Settings” on
page 87.
Social Hub
With Social Hub, you can now easily and intuitively satisfy all of
your relevant communication needs from one integrated user
experience. E-mails, instant messaging, social network contents,
and calendar contents from all major service providers are
To access Social Hub, follow these steps:
1. From the Home screen, tap
Social Hub
2. If this is the first time Social Hub has been opened, the
Welcome to Social Hub page describes all of the available
features. Tap
Setup now
to setup your Social Hub account. If
the application has previously been opened, tap Add
Account to start setting up your Social Hub account.
3. Tap on an account type that you would like to setup. Choose
an Email account, SNS account, or IM account.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions for adding an account.
5. From the Social Hub main screen, tap the
tabs to see information pertaining to your
6. To add another account, press
Add account.