Polycom ViewStation EX Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
90 www.polycom.com
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIP address of the system.
ipaddress set
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>LAN/H.323>LAN/Intranet>
LAN & Intranet: IP Address
ipdialspeed <set|get><"valid speed"><on|off>
ipdialspeed <set> <"valid speed"> <on|off>
ipdialspeed get <"valid speed">
This command enables or disables the IP dialing speed valid
Note The ViewStation EX system supports speeds up to 768
set Sets the IP dialing speed. The parameters valid speed
and on or off are required.
get Displays the current setting (on or off). The parameter
valid speed is required.
valid speedValid speeds are: 56, 64, 2x56, 112, 2x64, 128, 168,
192, 224, 256, 280, 320, 33 6, 384, 392, 7x64, 8x56,
504, 512, 560, 576, 616, 640, 672, 704, 728, 768, 784,
832, 840, 16x56, 14x64, 952, 960, 1008, 1024, 1064,
1088, 1120, 1152, 1176, 1216, 1232, 1280, 1288,
24x56, 21x64, 1400, 1408, 1456, 1472, 1512, 1536,
1568, 1600, 1624, 1664, 1680, 1728, 1736, 32x56,
28x64, 1848, 1856, 1904, and 1920 Kbps.
on Enables the specified speed.
off Disables the specified speed.