Polycom ViewStation EX Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
© Polycom, Inc. 2003 121
requireacctnumtodial <yes|no|get>
This command enables or disables the Require Account Number to
Dial option. It is used to log calls to a specific account so that they
can be tracked and billed to the appropriate departments. When this
option is selected, you cannot make a call without first entering an
account number. This account number is saved in the GMS server
database along with information specific to the call. Typically, the
GMS administrator assigns the account number. You must use
GMS 2.0 or later to use this option.
yes Enables the option.
no Disables the option.
get Displays the current setting (yes or no).
requireacctnumtodial yes
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>LAN/H.323>Global Management>
Setup: Require Account Number to Dial