
ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
© Polycom, Inc. 2003 97
lanstat: Max tx iterations = 8
lanstat: Max rx iterations = 4
lanstat: Max interrupt iters = 3
lanstat: Total interrupts = 113137865
lanstat: Max interrupt delay = 441170
lanstat: Last interrupt delay = 214835
lanstat: end
listen <phone|video|sleep>
This command registers the Telnet or RS-232 session to listen for
incoming video calls, POTS phone calls, or system sleep or awake
state and, consequently, to give notification when the registered
state occurs.
phone Instructs the session to listen for incoming phone calls.
When this event occurs, the message “listen audio
ringing” is received.
video Instructs the session to listen for incoming video calls.
When this event occurs, the message “listen video
ringing” is received.
sleep Instructs the session to listen for when the system goes
into sleep mode. When this event occurs, the message
“listen going to sleep” is received. When the system
wakes up, the message “listen wake up” is received.
listen sleep
Output to Example
listen sleep registered
Acknowledgment that the session is now registered to listen for
sleep mode.
listen going to sleep
Notification of event: the system is going to sleep mode.