ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
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off Disables the Near End Loop.
nearloop on
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Diagnostics>Near End Loop
netmeetingip <set|get> ["xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"]
netmeetingip set ["xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"]
netmeetingip set
netmeetingip get
This command sets the NetMeeting IP address. After a change is
made, the system prompts the user for a restart.
set Sets the NetMeeting IP address when followed by
the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx parameter. If you want to
erase the current setting, omit the parameter.
get Displays the current setting.
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIP address of the PC on which NetMeeting resides.
netmeeting set
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Data Conference: NetMeeting