ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
© Polycom, Inc. 2003 119
queuecommands <yes|no|get>
This command allows the system to queue up commands that
cannot be processed during call progress or popup window states
(that is, when the system is showing the call progress screen or is
displaying a popup window). Once those states have cleared, the
commands can be executed.
Note Certain commands can still be executed while the system is
in a call progress or popup window state. They generally
correspond to commands that can be sent via the remote
control during those states (for example moving the camera
or muting the microphone).
yes The commands will be queued and then executed when
the state has cleared.
no The commands will be discarded and the system will
proceed to the next command once the state has
get Displays the current setting (yes or no).
queuecommands yes
registerthissystem <yes|no|get>
This command sets the system’s IP address to be registered and
displayed in the Global Address Book (GAB) when the system is
powered on. If you do not enable this option, the system has access