ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 API Guide
© Polycom, Inc. 2003 201
rt <normal|inverted|get>
This command lets you configure the rt serial interface control signal
(receive timing: clock). The default setting for this signal is normal.
normal Sets the signal to normal (rising edge receives data).
inverted Sets the signal to inverted (falling edge receives data).
get Displays the current setting for this option (normal or
rt inverted
User Interface Screen Location
System Info>Admin Setup>Video Network>Advanced V.35: RT
This screen is only accessible if you have a
V.35/RS-449/RS-530/RS-366 network interface connected to your
rts <normal|inverted|get>
This command lets you configure the rts serial interface control
signal (request to send). The default setting for this signal is normal.
normal Sets the signal to normal (high voltage is logic 1).
inverted Sets the signal to inverted (low voltage is logic 1).
get Displays the current setting (normal or inverted).